Anyone can contribute in any way and with any amount to the intentions of the Association “Humanitas People’s United” by making a transfer to:


IBAN IT27 R030 6909 6061 0000 0179 268

Banca Intesa San Paolo

(Filiale 55000, Piazza Paolo Ferrari 10 20121 Milano)



With causal: “Donation for Humanitas United Peoples Association”

Tax deductibility.

You can deduct/deduct your donations to the Human Rights and Tolerance Association from your income. 

“In accordance with Art. 13 Dlgs n.460/97 and subsequent law 80/05 each donation is tax deductible from the total income of the paying entity up to a limit of 10% of the total declared income, and in any case to the maximum amount of 70,000 euros per year; or you can deduct 19% of the amount donated up to a maximum of 2,065.83 euros from the gross tax (Art. 15, paragraph I(i-bis) of D.P.R. 917/86). To take advantage of these tax benefits (as a natural person and not as a company or company) you will need to keep the relevant donation certificate, i.e. the receipt of payment in the case of donation by postal bulletin, the bank statement in case of bank transfer and bank/postal RID and the credit card statement issued by the company manager. “

To get the Deposit Receipt we need the following data:

First and last name / business name


Fiscale code/ VAT number